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RedTails Put the Eagles on Blast in a 7-0 Shutdown

RedTails Put the Eagles on Blast in a 7-0 Shutdown

The Hawkeye RedTail Men's Soccer Team flew through their game against Scott Community College, Thursday, April 30. The goals kept coming consistently in both the first and second half for the RedTails, as they were unscored upon for the entirety of the game.


Freshman Joe Baston solidified his excellence with his four goals he secured during the 90 minute game. His first goal being made in the first 38 seconds of the first half with an assist from Reon Dawes. Baston locked in another goal just three minutes later with an assist from Brandon Savage.


The Eagles still unable to seal in a goal, the RedTails made one final goal in the first half by Ade Sotoyinbo with an assist by Nga Reh.


RedTails closed out the second half strong with four goals. The first made at the start of the game with an unassisted goal by Keith Gakaka. Gakaka snagged another with an assist from Donald Holliday.


Baston rallied the team and pulled out the last two goals. The first with an assist by Donald Holliday and the last assist by Jayce Berger.


When leading scorer Baston was asked how he was able to carry out an impressive four goals during the game he stated, "I think I've been forcing myself to score too much and now I've just been letting it happen. I just relaxed on the ball and when my chances came I took them." Moving forward in these last few games he hopes his team can continue to put results out so they can reach their end goal of regionals.


The RedTails will be up against the NIACC Trojans again on Sunday, May 2 to take home their fourth consecutive win!